Affordable and accessible to everyone

We believe that quality education should be something all tamariki can experience, and provide flexible financial and accessibility options to help remove any barriers for our wh膩nau to achieve this.

Minimum enrolment

We require tamariki to enrol for a聽minimum聽of six hours a day, three days a week (18 hours a week).

Our trained kaiako will support your tamariki to transition from home to our centre, being mindful of their needs. You're welcome to stay, enjoy a cuppa and meet our friendly team while your tamariki have fun with friends.

Government entitlements and subsidies

When you enrol your tamariki at one of our centres, we will support you to access government entitlements and subsidies:

We charge an聽hourly rate聽for any hours your tamariki enrol for, that are not paid for by Ministry of Education 20 Hours ECE funding. If you are eligible for a WINZ Childcare Subsidy, this reduces the amount you need to pay.

新香港六合彩开奖网 support

In some circumstances 新香港六合彩开奖网 may offer additional financial support to reduce the fees wh膩nau pay after government entitlements and subsidies have been applied.

Hourly rate

Check our centre directory for hourly rates.
No fees are charged for public holidays or centre closure days.

As a not-for-profit, all funds are invested back into our centres and our people, to ensure your tamariki are always getting what鈥檚 best. We welcome tamariki from all walks of life, and ensure every child receives one-to-one attention from a kaiako.